Normal doors wouldn't work with the space we had, so it was folding doors or barn doors. We immediately ruled out folding doors and after some research we decided on a simple barn door look. We planned to build it with framing lumber from lowes, with the sides being 2x6, the top and bottom 2x8, and the center pannels 1x6.
The opening is 61.5" wide and we wanted the doors to overlap by an inch on each side, so we made each door 32" wide. We didn't have an extra 64" of space to the left to open the doors so we opted to make it so only one door could be open at a time. This will make more sense when you see the final pictures below. We bought the hardware from ebay without a track, and then bought a 100" piece of steel from a local mill. We also decided to make our own door handles, so we did that as well. We totally winged it, we sat on the floor in the hardware store and pieced it together to see what size we liked.
So, parts list:
2x 2" x 6" x 96" whitewood board - $4/ea
1x 2" x 8" x 96" whitewood board - used scrap we already had
8x 1" x 6" x 96" whitewood board - $6/ea
1x 3/8" x 1.5" steel bar - $20
Barn Door Hardware - $119 shipped
Door Handles (these are not the exact items we bought, but are similar):
2x 6" 1/2" steel pipe
2x 1/2" elbow
2x 1/2" floor flange
Door Handle Hardware: $35
Rustoleum white primer: $5
Rustoleum hammered black: $5
We started out by cutting the pieces for the frame of the door to length, then used a router with a 3/8" rabbet bit to cut a 3/4" deep, and 3/8" wide lip all the way around the inside of the door frame for the 1" x 6" panels to sit in. The frame is held together using Kreg pocket screws.
The assembled frames (I didn't take a picture of the rabbet'd back side):
Next up we cut the center panels to length, and because 4x5.5 = 22, and our center panel needed to be 20" wide we used our table saw to rip 1" off of 2 of the 1x6 boards (we put these on the outside).
Here's a quick test fit of the doors, with the panels temporarily fitted.
At this point we decided which door was left and right and which was the top and bottom of each, based on how well they fit together. Then we cut half an inch off the bottom of the doors because they were going to be a tad bit too tall for the overhead piece to the top right.
Once we were happy with the fit we started the finishing process. We're a fan of the weathered look, and a simple way to get that is by mixing steel wool #0000 and vinegar in a container and wait a few days. Then we applied the resulting mixture to several wood scraps so we could try different combinations of vinegar and stain. We were planning to stain the doors after the vinegar solution, but ultimately we settled on two coats of the vinegar solution followed by several coats of satin polyurethane.
As usual we didn't take pictures of the sanding and staining process, but here's a breakdown.
- Sand the doors so that everything fit nicely and there were no high spots. We started with a belt sander where more material needed to be removed (I don't yet have a planer) and then moved to a random orbital to get a finer finish.
- We gave it a rough / aged look by beating them up a bit. We used a 3' piece of chain, and then proceeded to drop tools, hit the doors with hammers, poke them with screws, etc.
- "paint" the doors with water to bring up all the rough bits
- Sand the doors, then repeat with water and sanding a few times.
- Coat the doors with the vinegar mixture, wait a day and apply a second coat.
- Lightly sand the doors with 220 grit
- Apply 4 coats of satin poly, hand sanding with 400 grit between coats. The resulting finish is incredibly smooth.
Once we had everything stained I glued the center panels together (I didn't use any screws) so they wouldn't warp over time.
We only had 2x 24" clamps so I used a ratcheting strap to help hold the middle together, and then glued the other panel together a few hours later. Because of this I went and bought more clamps so I don't run in to this problem again.
Then I fit the center panel in to the door and attached it using 1.5" brads from an 18ga brad nailer, spaced about 8" apart.
We cleaned the handle hardware with mineral spirits and then used Rustoleum primer and hammered black paint. We used the same paint on the barn door hardware (track included).
I installed the 100" long steel bar by myself, it was a bit tricky but not too bad. I figured out where the first bolt would go and then held the bar with one hand and the drill with the other (after drilling a pilot hole in the stud). Once the first lag bolt was installed I used a level and then inserted the 2nd through 7th lags. With the track up I shimmed the bottom of each door (you can see them in the picture) until I had them sitting where I wanted them, hung the hardware on the track, drilled pilot holes in the door and installed the hardware. Then I removed the shims. This allowed me to get the doors exactly where I wanted them. I stood on the stool to attach the hangers to the doors (pre-drilling the holes).
Once the doors were hung we installed the handles and then did some touch up painting on the screws:
To see what we did for shelving/lighting, see Arduino Controlled LED Pantry Lighting
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