use Net::LDAP;
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new("ldap://domain.local", debug =>0) or die("Could not connect to LDAP server.");
my $mesg = $ldap->bind('myUserDN',
password => 'myUserPassword') or die("Could not bind to LDAP server.");
$mesg = $ldap->search( # perform a search
base => "dc=domain,dc=local",
filter => "(&(samAccountName=$username))"
$mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
#there should only be one result in here anyway
foreach $entry ($mesg->entries) {
$userdn = $entry->dn;
$rtn = $ldap->modify($userdn, replace => { "msrtcsip-userenabled" => "TRUE"});
$rtn = $ldap->modify($userdn, replace => { "msrtcsip-optionflags" => "449"});
$rtn = $ldap->modify($userdn, replace => { "msrtcsip-primaryhomeserver" => "CN=Lc Services,CN=Microsoft,CN=1:1,CN=Pools,CN=RTC Service,CN=Microsoft,CN=System,DC=domain,DC=local"});
$rtn = $ldap->modify($userdn, replace => { "msrtcsip-primaryuseraddress" => "sip:$email"});
$rtn = $ldap->modify($userdn, replace => { "msrtcsip-line" => "tel:+$astextension;ext=$extension"});
$rtn = $ldap->modify($userdn, replace => { "msrtcsip-deploymentlocator" => "SRV:"});
$rtn = $ldap->modify($userdn, replace => { "msrtcsip-federationenabled" => "TRUE"});
$rtn = $ldap->modify($userdn, replace => { "msrtcsip-internetaccessenabled" => "TRUE"});
$rtn = $ldap->modify($userdn, replace => { "msrtcsip-userpolicies" => [("21=7", "0=1434923910")]});
You may find it best to provision a user the way you like, open the user in ADSI Edit to see all the parameters, and adjust this accordingly.
That said, this should set you off in the right direction for how to fully provision a Lync user automatically.